roasted chicken with kaffir lime leaves View Ingredients
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  • 1 free-range chicken, about 1,5 kg (~ 3.3 lbs), cleaned
  • 20 Kaffir lime leaves
  • 20 lemongrass stalks, or lemongrass leaves
  • 2 or 3 whole garlic bulbs
  • 1 ginger rhizome, sliced
  • Marinade: salt, msg, black pepper, soy sauce or fish sauce, oyster sauce, honey and/or sugar, shacha sauce or chilli powder
  • Dipping sauce: rock salt, 1 birds' eye chilli, 1 lime

Pan-roasted Chicken With Kaffir Lime Leaves (Gà…

Chicken and lime leaves are a perfect flavor pairing in Vietnamese cuisine. The simplest and most common dish is poached chicken…

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