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The giant mudskipper (Periophthalmodon schlosseri, Vietnamese: cá thòi lòi) is a species of amphibious fish. In Vietnam, giant mudskippers can be found in river and under saltwater forests. Only those which live under mangrove forests are prized because their meat is less fishy, sweet-smelling and has chewy texture. Chargrilling is a common cooking method for this type of fish.
Step by step method
Prepping the giant mudskippers
Use long skewers to pierce each fish from the fish's mouth straight to the tail. Rinse off the excess slime on the fish skin and drain.
Making the salt and chilli mixture
Use a mortar and a pestle to grind 3 tablespoons of salt and three chillis. If you use a bowl, do it slowly. Rube the salt and chilli mixture on the fish skin, and let them marinated for about 15 - 20 mins
Put the fish skewers onto a grill and grill for about 10 mins until the fish turn golden brown.